cloud professional services

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Ido Ziv

Ido Ziv

AWS Fintech Architecture
AWS, Financial Services, Fintech

Aug 16, 2021 1:20:23 PM

AWS Fintech Architecture

Rapid innovation, lean six sigma processes, flexible working conditions for employees, and the end of expensive IT infrastructure in-house: cloud computing can be a real cost-saver in a fintech company. In this article, we will review the advantages of AWS for Fintech.

Serverless VS Microservices
Serverless, microservices, High-Tech

Apr 4, 2021 10:59:38 PM

Serverless VS Microservices

A good friend asked me last week, “Ido, as a DevOps Engineer, what do you prefer: a serverless architecture or a microservices one?”My friend is a software engineer with knowledge and experience in both, but he is confused (much like several of our customers), so, I’ll try to help.

DevOps, Cloud Security, High-Tech

Mar 11, 2021 2:56:07 PM


Transitioning to DevOps requires a change in culture and mindset. In simple words, DevOps means removing the barriers between traditionally siloed teams: development and operations. In some organizations, there may not even be a separation between development, operations and security teams;...

Automated Security In the AWS Cloud
Cloud Security

Feb 25, 2021 3:01:03 PM

Automated Security In the AWS Cloud

Amid Covid19 pandemic, and even prior, it seems as though cloud computing has become common grounds for companies of various fields, types and sizes, from small startups to enterprises - everyone is migrating to the cloud.

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